The childhood as surreal age,
time to build and destroy,
time of doing and undoing: paths, steps, mazes, ties.
Construction and things, between itself and the other that create the scenic space as in a children’s game:
we pretend that … just a sign on the ground.
concept – choreography: Sara Marasso
dance: Sara Marasso, Lorena Tadorni, Jessica Bellarosa
musical composition: Dani Siciliano
production: IL CANTIERE – cultural association
The show, created by the International Festival of Dance in urban landscape Lugar Dança in Lisbon, is loosely based on the novel by Amelie Nothomb “Sabotage of Love.”
I have entrusted to the music the task of expressing the resistance force, the attachment and the adaptation, the noisy and disorderly vitality of childhood. Instead, I have entrusted to the movement the possibility to express the contact with things, that feeling of being unique and perfect in imperfection, the center of the world and the projection center of gaze.

debut: July 10th 2005, Oeiras/Lisbon, Portugal, with the support of Istituto Italiano di Cultura di LisbonaFestival Internazionale di danza in paesaggio urbano Lugar à Dança
order history: July 28th 2006, Calamandrana Alta – Asti (Piedmont)
Festival Teatro e Colline di Calamandrana; May 9th 2006, Teatro Astra – Turin – Festival Interplay/06 Danza di Parole – TorinoDanza and Torino Capitale Mondiale del Libro; November 23rd2005, Turin – Contrappunti 7ed.; September 30th2005, Turin – Torino Notte Bianca; September 16th 2005
Pescara – Festival Nazionale della Performance Linguaggi.
An adaptation of the show Lego to showcase shop was presented in the section Blitz Metropolitani del Festival Interplay 05/ Il Rumore della danza Focus 8 di Torinodanza (Torino).
May 6th-18th 2005, Strenesse -Via Roma and the atrium of University of Palazzo Nuovo, University of Turin
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