Welcome Spring!

It’s in Bologna that we’ll start to develop the new projet around darkness and liquid matter.
From Lisbon, Cagliari, Turin, we will meet in the living cultural space of Teatri di Vita experiencing a performance that is a walk and a walk that will include some stops, to see, to listen and to relate to the space and to each other.

How do we move when we cannot see? How we could  train ourselves to recognise other spatial relationships beyond those that sight suggests? How can we differently see what is offered to our eyes?


The residence will offers an  immersive and itinerant experience that will invite the public to move and explore together darkness as a symbolic and physical environment, questioning our perception, the hierarchy of the senses and the relationship between visibility/invisibility, me/us.



artistic direction, choreography and dance Sara Marasso  a project created with Stefano Risso original compositions and live music, Giulia Cannas dance, Diogo MM Nunes black box sculptural design, Davide Rigodanza lighting design

invited artist for the residency in Bologna Gloria Giovannini / Arcanto vocal coach
production by il Cantiere supported by Prod.Real/Pelágio, Lisbon

Outcome of the residency presented to the public:

4th and 5th JUNE,
h.7:00 pm

within the framework of RESIDANZE 2024

Teatri di Vita Centro di Produzione Teatrale – International Center for Performing Arts 
Via Emilia Ponente 485 Bologna /Parco dei Pini

infoline whatsapp: (+39) 333 4666333
infomail: urp@teatridivita.it



conducted by Sara Marasso Iyengar Yoga teacher, dancer and choreographer
with the collaboration of Gloria Giovannini singer and vocal coach

Sunday 26th May 2024
h.10 am – 1 pm

Centro Centro Civico Michelini
via Gorki 12, Bologna

WhatsApp: +39.340 5941213

with the patronage of:



un omaggio a Bill Evan di Stefano Risso
al contrabbasso

21 giugno 2024
ore 21

presso Musica alla spina
vicolo grosso 3, Torino


Winter 2023


Here we are. In this 2023 that is coming to an end, the Creative Europe Wall Dialogue Resistance project comes to an end too.
So much has passed since the summer 2020 when, during and because of the pandemic, the need for change and, at the same time, the desire to find ourselves all in public space, gave us the impulse to write the project, meet the partners and then to implement it.

It’s with pleasure that we made a short film, talking walls, writing bodies, as a visual narrative of that adventure journey: an open itinerant creation, – through workshops, meetings and performances, – which started from Robilante to arrive in Marseille, then to Madrid to reach the village of Noviercas and after Saragoza, finally by train join Porto, the extreme edge of Europe, to end in Cagliari.

It is composed of chapters representing each of the five residences that make up the entire journey from 21 August to 1 October 2022; plus a final chapter for the project’s final event in September 2023.



Each chapter is a sentence written with water on a wall:

1. IL MURO “Riguarda noi e le cose invisibili”(Sara Marasso) Robilante, Italy
2. LE MUR La force de l’eau sur les rochers (common knowledge) Marseille, France
3. EL MURO “El mundo no se ha hecho para que pensamos en él, sino pourque lo miremos y estemos de acuerdo” (Fernando Pessoa, trad. Nicolas Lange) Noviercas & Zaragoza, Spain 4. O MURO Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura (popular expression) Porto, Portugal
5. MURI “Solo i bambini sanno far piovere” (Nicolas Lange) Cagliari, Italy
6. THE WALL is what you can’t see (Sara Marasso) Cagliari 2023

© Dogan BOZTAS

With gratitude we dedicate the film to all those who with curiosity, sensibility, attention have taken part, in presence and relationship, in this adventure.

More info about the project and all the artistic output here

and before Christmas … Let’s meet in Turin:

YOGA and sound workshop

23 December 2023
from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

conducted by Sara Marasso
with double bass player Stefano Risso
who will accompany with live sound some moments

Yoga sul Fiume
Corso Moncalieri 18, Turin
c/o Amici del Fiume

For info and registration
tel/whatsapp: 3477630273
mail: yogasulfiume@gmail.com

Autumn 2023

“There is no memory of the future. We always act in the dark.”
Rebecca Solnit  

Wall Dialogue Resistance came to an end last June with a three-day meeting at Sa Manifattura, Cagliari during the Respiro Festival that brought together the entire network: Sardegna Teatro Il Cantiere Noau Les têtes de l’Art Colectivo Noray  Hacendera  Balleteatro Spaziodanza Pares Sueltos with all the involved artists.

The project has been ambitious, complex, intense, but we are very happy that it made it possible to create many great artistic works and as many connections and meetings. As at each stage, a work in progress performance was presented to the public, a sort of restitution in performative language of the guiding intention of the project. The theme of the wall was realised as an experience of darkness through a black box and a blindfolded walk in the open air.
Elements that characterised this open process shared with the talented dancer Giulia Cannas from Fuorimargine and realized with the support of  the Sardegna Teatro’s technical staff. The audience was invited to see the dance through an exploration of darkness: a symbolic and physical environment that helps to expand our perceptions, suspending the usual hierarchies of the senses and questioning the most recognised ways of sharing signs and meanings. Finally bringing to the fore the Space itself inhabited  by our bodies with their tactile and kinetic qualities.

A special thank to Real_Pelagio company and Giulia Marasso

all photos @LauraFarneti_Fuorimargine

Many original works were presented during the Wall Dialogue Resistance project’s final event:

In addition to the premiere of Stefano Odoardi’s Film, which poetically reworked in the form of images and words the whole experience of journey and the residencies, the large hall of Sa Manifattura hosted a multimedia set up that included: Nicolas Lange’s Podcast, the CD with original music by Stefano Risso and Lalli and a collection of photographs to be listened to by Stefano Risso, Miriam Tello‘s original drawings in the form of the project’s Storytelling, and Rossana Mendes Fonseca’s video, part of the Portuguese performance. Special collaboration on the performance was offered by dancers Violeta Fatas, Cyril Limousin and Carlos Silva, while Stefano Risso and Sims Simone Longo collaborated on the original sound design.

Click HERE to download, listen to or view the works of the artists involved.

Watch HERE THE TEASER of the multimedia installation & immersive performance
Festival Respiro2023

News !! 16 September 2023 9:30 pm at the Confraternita in Robilante, CN Italy presentation of the film Wall Dialogue Resistance by Stefano Odoardi director of photography Michele Garau for Festival Imaginè Free entrance with reservation, click on the film link to reserve a place.

“And how much nostalgia we will have for the human. As we now have of the infinite.
But we will not have hands.
We will not be able to make caresses with our hands.

Nor cheeks to touch lightly.
A nostalgia of imperfect
will swell our shining photons…”

( from a  poem written by Mariangela Gualtieri/ freely transl.)