Solo Carta

Solo Carta is a solo contemporary dance based on paper’s sound that interacts with the movements of a dancer. Short, repeated, modified, amplified exercises of one body that tries to be flat, thin and white. A body that exhibits a search about the origin of each creative process: what is the beginning? Which empty anticipates the full building? To learn more and to dwell on that first step that is necessary to every after, a ‘blank’ which is already the creation itself.

concept – choreography: Sara Marasso
lights design: Marco Burgher
sound design : Tiziano Villata
in collaboration with: Irene Salza

Solo Carta was presented in the following spaces: Festival Lugar a Dança – Lisbon, VoArte; Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani -Turin, Regione PiemonteSpazi per la danza contemporanea; Théatre de L’Ancre, Charleroi – Belgium, Charleroi Danses; Festival Les Reperages – le Gymnase, Lille – France, Danse a Lille (Festival Les Reperages, Rencontres internationales de la jeune choréraphie – Centre de Developpemente Choreographique, Roubaix/Lille); Sala Espace – Turin, MosaicoDanzaDance Roads – Incontri Internazionali di Danza.

production: IL CANTIERE – cultural association, Regione Piemonte, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali and ETI Ente Teatrale Italiano
support: Mosaico – cultural association and INTERPLAY- International Dance Festival

Valerio Tosi Beleffi
Valerio Tosi Beleffi