The Tender Inspection
In work of initial exploration I looked for ways and means of taking care of themselves through movement, a dance that was a letting circulate and move within the body.
Imagination of sirens, heroines, goddesses, I found some design, recognizable traces in words and concrete, daily, bodily images for a survey about living.
Some parts of the body have purchased value of signs and a female body comes out, far from the diaphanous and static purity, and from the sexually undifferentiated. A body that eventually discovers and shows tenderness as something that is not always and not only as soft as a pillow.
“Where you show yourself tender, you identify your plural.”
concept – choreography: Sara Marasso
dance: Jessica Bellarosa, Sara Marasso, Fabiana Ricca, Clelia Riva
sound design: Niccolò Bosio
costumes – scenic design: Lina Fucà
co-production: IL CANTIERE – cultural association, MOSAICO – cultural association, Festival INTERPLAY with the support of Ass. VO’ ARTE, Festival Lugar à Dança – Lisbon, ACTI Teatri Indipendenti – Turin and Association Indisciplinate and Festival Esterni – Terni

Interplay Festival Internazionale di danza contemporanea, 2007
Limone Fonderie Teatrali
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