Volte sempre
Literally “volte sempre” is an invitation to return: exaggerated and poignant expression that is used in Portugal to greet one who has just paid and walks away with your goods.
“Meu amor” tells me the lady of the fruit stand and it’s immediately between us a fleeting ambiguous relationship; a game of seduction that takes the time to pay the bill. We have to play ‘the forever’ in an instant.
concept – choreography: Sara Marasso
musical composition: J.S. Bach
costumes: Born in Berlin
production: Mosaico – cultural association and Fondazione Teatro Piemonte Europa | Festival Teatro a Corte
The performance was created for the project euro-Regional Markets Municipalities / Communes Marchet which provided for the creation of just five or duo of contemporary dance for urban space to be proposed within the city markets.
Partners: Maguy Marin- Festival Les Hivernales di Avignone, Ateliers Frappaz/Festival Les Invites-Villeurbanne, Lieux Pubblique-Marsiglia, l’Ass Cul.t Artu-Genova, l’Ass Cult MosaicoDanza e il TPE-Teatro Piemonte Europa, in collaboration with Associazione C’era l’Acca e il Fiorile delle Arti e Culture. Ubidanza (IT), Koinè (IT), Il Cantiere (IT), Lèzards Bleus (FR), Ex-Nihilo (FR).

order history
Coimbra, August 22nd2010, Festival Lugar à Dança – Coimbra – VoArte; Toulon, June 24th2010, Festival En lieux et places – Lieux Publics Centre National de Creation; Villeurbanne, June 19th2010, Festival Les Invites – Les Ateliers Frappaz; Rillieux La Pape, June 18th2010, Festival Les Invites – Centre National Choreographique de Rillieux – La-Pape – Compagnie Maguy Marin; Turin, May 19th2010, Interplay Festival Internazionale di danza contemporanea – Mosaicodanza association – Turin; Genova, October 24th2009, Rassegna Luoghi Comuni – ARTU association – Festival Corpi Urbani; Turin, October 10th 2009, Teatro Piemonte Europa – Mosaicodanza association and Fondazione Teatro Piemonte Europa; Marsiglia, October 3rd – 4th2009, Festival Small is Beautiful – Lieux Publics – Centre National de Crèation.
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